Monday, August 3, 2009

Exercise in Art

A few years ago Dan Nichols and myself were drawing together. As usual I had nothing specific to draw, and instead had him name off his favorite albums, and I interpreted them in my own way. The little panels were done on a grocery bag with India Ink Pens.

I'm posing old art for two reasons. 1) to get back in the habit of updating the blog more regularly and 2) some of this stuff has never been posted and I thought it may be interesting for people to see. Hopefully new stuff will come soon.


Justin Stewart said...

Dude, I say you make "Album Title Interpretations" a regular featured exercise!

Jeff said...

Sure thing, Justin. Let's start with you. Give me 4 or 5 albums you love.

David said...

These are hilarious. I agree with Justin. I'd love to see more album interpretations.