Monday, April 28, 2008

New start, old stuff...

Hello. Thank you for coming by. For old fans thank you for coming back, for anyone who just found me Thank You! And let me give a brief description of what this is all about.

My name is Jeff Elden, social worker and part time cartoonist. I have a wife named K10. We own 3 cats. I grow a beard for 4 months out of the year. I will let you know when the beard season starts. Please join me.

What you will find on this site is a collection of my comics works. Some comics, like CavemanSpaceman and Vicious Robot Tuesday (both featured immediatly below), are short comic works. Then there is My Alter Ego, the comic you see most often. My Alter Ego is an excercise in drawing. Each strip is completed without using any pencils, rulers, or technical stuff. Only ink is allowed. Sometimes I color them. I post these as often as I get time (which, for my past fans, has been about 2 months since there has been fresh material. School has taken a lot of my time.)

I don't like typical Blog formats, so you won't see much text on the site. I also have more to say through comics then I do with type.

What is currently up on the site is stuff from my last site, , which I had to abandon when my computer stopped communicating with the site. I'm not tech savvy so it may be some time before I fully understand how this site works.

Please leave comments to let me know what you think. I appreciate the feedback. You can also always contact me at

Thank you,

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